Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Natural Fertility Therapy in Greenway, Harlow, Essex
Acupuncture doesn’t just deal with physical symptoms. It looks at the whole body - physical mental emotional and spiritual. Treatments are like throwing a pebble into a lake - the ripples can be extremely far reaching. Patients will often notice...
Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Thai Massage, Reflexology in Bushey, Hertfordshire
PUT YOUR BODY IN GOOD HANDS We would never dream of treating our cars like we treat our bodies. We don’t wait till our cars break down but do regular services o...
Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Watford
I am a specialist acupuncturist and sports injury therapist. I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council, a NHS registered acupuncturist, and an associated practitioner of Zita West National Fertility Network. At present, I practice at David Llo...
Kinesiology, Sports MassageAcupuncture, Shiatsu, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Baldock
Shiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage in Cambridge
Essential and seasonal aromatic blends relax, calm and balance the body. Restore and release This full-body massage is designed to work on tight, tired muscles and stiff joints after sports or a day of physical activities. Deep tissue work ea...
Sports MassageShiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage in St Albans
Reflexology, Sports MassageSports MassageShiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage in Welwyn Garden City
Indian Head Massage, Sports MassageReflexology, Sports MassageSports MassageShiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage in Hatfield
Sports MassageIndian Head Massage, Sports MassageReflexology, Sports MassageSports MassageShiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage in London
John Kinski specialises in sports physiology, injury management, rehab, and personal fitness training. He treats all injuries whether sports related or not. He uses sports massage, postural assessment, rehab pilates, and exercise regimes to treat...
Indian Head Massage, Sports MassageSports MassageIndian Head Massage, Sports MassageReflexology, Sports MassageSports MassageShiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Indian Head Massage in Harlow